Thursday, 17 October 2013


Thank God the Sallah celebrations are over with no major security skirmish in the North or around Nigeria. It seems to me that the State of Emergence declared by President Jonathan is actually working, but at the risk of speaking too soon I reckon we should look at a more sustainable solution to these security challenges rather than imagine that the brute force of Military power can continue to lead the way in the quest at having a safe, peaceful and harmonious society where people can live their lives without fear of losing it to mindless causes and where business can flourish and grow unhindered. Thank God, the Sallah passed without any bombs exploding or without some hoodlums going into a school to shoot at innocent students, however, we must use this period of respite to critically re-examine and reassess the security situation in Nigeria with specific focus on the North.

Before the coming of Boko Haram, there exist an archaic practice up North where people willingly firm out their male Children to Religious Clerics to be trained in Arabic and the Doctrines of Islam. Over time, these Clerics took on more Children than they can care for, leading to a situation where the Children are left to go into the streets in search of food and alms. This situation continued over time,creating a mass of uneducated, ill-bred and ill-prepared people who lead a desperate, destitute and despondent life which makes them vulnerable to indoctrination and puts them at the disposal of mischievous Clerics and Politicians alike. A manifestation of  this cultural practice are the incessant religious uprisings in the North starting from the Maitasine Riots to its later day devious and dangerous transmutation - Boko Haram.  Ofcourse, some have blamed the Boko Haram uprising on the Arab spring which suddenly liberated potent energies and weapons that had hitherto been held bound by Dictators like Moamar Ghadaffi, my take has always been that behind every fire, is a fuel which had seemed harmless until there came a flicker of fire romancing the seemingly harmless fuel and giving birth to death and destruction. In the case of Nigeria, there was already an Army, willing and able to start a crisis and suddenly arms came pouring in, and with it, the spirit of death and destruction. Unfortunately, years of irresponsible and careless leadership up North as with everywhere else in Nigeria, had failed to see this coming!
Although I am not one of President Goodluck Jonathan "cry till your voice becomes hoax" supporters, I none the less acknowledge that the problem was not caused by him and that the solution actually lie far from the ambit of his influence because the problem stems from an archaic cultural practice which has created an army of ill-informed and ignorant mass that are usually willing sparks for religious or political fire. I do not mean to denigrate anyone or lay the blame at anyone's table because indeed inimical and antediluvian cultural practices exist in every culture - from the sacrifice of human beings as penance for communal sins in parts of Yorubaland,  the Osu Caste system in Igboland, to the killing of Twins in Calabar;  cultural practices which bear no place in modern societies had existed in our various communities, but what shows an indication of progress in any society, is the ability to rethink the route that  society must take in order for there to be peace, progress and prosperity under a changing order. This fact become more glaring when one notes the fact that Europe did indeed pass through the dark-ages long before the coming of the Industrial Revolution and America actually fought a war of liberation in 1776 and a war between the Industrial North and Agrarian South before settling to the ideals which today makes them a model for democracy and free-markets. What this points to is that any situation can turn around for good depending on how it is managed.


Although, I supported and still support the idea of State of Emergency declared in volatile States in the North by President Goodluck Jonathan, I believe however that Military putsch is not a sustainable solution, rather the solution lie in Social Security:
1. A resolve by Northern Elites, working with government, to rein in the inimical Alamajiri tradition and create a vent for everyone who is born in the North of the Niger to have access to education (inspite of the fact that Boko Haram preaches that education is a sin).

2. The creation of Welfare camps for existing destitute and despondent Almajiri's with soft infrastructure such as Mobile Clinic, Skills Acquisition Centres and Farm Settlements. This is in keeping with the need to positively engage the Mass of the Almajiri's.

3. The creation of a social safety net built around trade and guild systems such as credit and thrift systems which can free up their productive energies and consequently raise SME's in traditional Northern trade and businesses such as Pasturing, Hides and Skin, Tie and Dye and Farming with a possibility of moving from primary production to secondary production as the society settles on a growth and productive part.

4. Decentralisation of Nigeria's Policing system in order to allow for local intelligence and a better understanding of cultural nuances which often lead to unrest.
All of the above may seem simple, but it does demand firm introspection not blame trading, a sense of sincerity, a willingness to concentrate on the big picture rather than chasing shadows and above all, it will require a lot of political will on the part of the Nigerian power elite to achieve.

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